Registrations are now open for the 2012 Australian Trucking Convention, which will feature international safety leader Don Osterberg, the Senior Vice President of Safety, Security and Driver Training at Schneider National in America.
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Media Releases
The Australian Government should extend its planned energy efficiency grants to help small firms improve their business practices to cope with the carbon price, the Chief Executive of the Australian Trucking Association, Stuart St Clair, said today.
Australia’s transport ministers have today agreed to a forward work program to amend Australia’s draft national truck laws to fix 849 issues identified by the trucking industry and state road agencies. The decision is a significant victory for the ATA and the trucking industry.
Safety, productivity and the environment were on the agenda when the Australian Trucking Association held talks with the China Road Transport Association (CRTA) this week.
The Fleet Manager for Directhaul in the Northern Territory, Brian “Spud” Murphy, is the 2011 winner of the Craig Roseneder Award for Technical and Maintenance Excellence in the Workshop.
The Victorian Government has formally recognised the trucking industry’s safety accreditation program, TruckSafe, as an industry code of practice under the state’s Road Safety Act.
Brendan Richards, partner from Ferrier Hodgson, will address trucking operators at the trucking industry’s Technical and Maintenance Conference in Sydney on 11 October.
The Australian Trucking Association will use next week’s tax forum to argue against the introduction of mass-distance-location charging for trucks. These charges could impose massive costs on rural Australia and would strangle trucking operators with red tape.
The finalists for the 14th annual Craig Roseneder Award for Technical and Maintenance Excellence in the Workshop were announced today by the Australian Trucking Association (ATA).
Bob Waldron, the Executive Director of the Transport Industries Skills Centre in the ACT, has been appointed to the TruckSafe Board.