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Veterans Employment Program to aid Australian trucking industry

17 November 2016

In recognising the synergies between logistics in the military and the road freight industry, Geoff Crouch, Managing Director of Ron Crouch Transport and Vice Chair of the ATA, said the Australian trucking industry will reap benefits from the Prime Minister’s Veterans Employment Program.

Mr Crouch represented the ATA today at the Prime Minister’s announcement of the program, an initiative to provide Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel with employment opportunities in the private sector once they are ready for opportunities for post-service life.

Mr Crouch said that personnel who previously served in the ADF can offer a wide range of skills and experiences; particularly those with skills of logistics in the military, as these skills can be effectively and easily transferred to the private sector of the Australian transport industry.

“The trucking industry is a natural partner for this program and the present driver shortage in the trucking industry demonstrates its potential to not just benefit ADF personnel but the wider economy,” Mr Crouch said.

Based in Wagga Wagga, near the Australian Army Recruit Training Centre in Kapooka, Mr Crouch has employed numerous former members of the defence force over the last 30 years at Ron Crouch Transport.

“These people are exceptionally valuable members of the workforce, and this is a result of the training the army provides to these professionals. Knowing the skill and the commitment these people have, I wouldn’t hesitate to employ former members of the army. I encourage businesses in the trucking industry to take advantage of this unique opportunity, and become a Veteran Employment Ambassador,” said Mr Crouch.

“When our professional logistics people have completed their service in the ADF, there are great jobs available in the trucking industry,” he said.

A report published by ATA Foundation Sponsor Volvo earlier this year found that Australia has a professional truck driver shortage, but there is a strong support for industry action to find a solution. The report also found that 46 percent of surveyed trucking operators in Australia are experiencing a shortage of available drivers, and 52 percent have an issue attracting the quantity of drivers needed for their business.

The report further identified that trucking is a “critical enabler of economic growth.” Fixing the driver shortage is critical for the economy as 75 percent of non-bulk domestic freight is carried on roads and freight demands are predicted to double from 2010 to 2030.

“The Veterans Employment Program will be part of a solution to our industry’s current driver shortage,” Mr Crouch said.


About the Government announcement:

Today the Government announced:

  • An Industry Advisory Committee (IAC) on Veterans’ Employment of leading Australian business people that will consider how to mentor ADF personnel and translate ADF skills for the private sector. All participating businesses will be given the title ‘Veteran Employment Ambassador.’ Companies can register by emailing
  • The excellent work done by small, medium and large businesses employing veterans will be recognised at an annual Prime Minister’s Veterans Employment Annual Awards. The criteria for the awards will be developed in consultation with the IAC.
  • Businesses will be encouraged to partner with a local Ex-service Organisation, such as the RSL and Soldier On, to develop strategies for driving veterans’ employment through an Ex-Service Organisation Industry Partnership Register. Ex-service organisations and companies can register their interest by emailing
  • The Government will help ADF personnel by improving the transition from the defence force into their post-service careers. All personnel will have appropriate documentation (such as health and training records) and participate in the formal transition process before separating from the ADF. Coaching services will also be available to assist ADF personnel to seek and obtain employment.

The Australian Public Service Commission will participate and develop a toolkit and online resources for veterans seeking employment in the public service.
