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Technology Investment Roadmap (Low Emissions Technologies)

19 June 2020

The ATA welcomes the Australian Government’s intent to reduce emissions by accelerating new and emerging technologies.

This submission responds to the Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper: A framework to accelerate low emissions technologies.

Later in 2020, the Government will make the first annual Low Emissions Technology Statement to outline investment priorities.

The ATA recommends that the Government should:

  • Prioritise infrastructure investment to improving road access for High Productivity Freight Vehicles, to move the freight task with less vehicle movements
  • Bring forward electrification in urban delivery and service vehicles
  • Support and incentivise the development of hydrogen vehicles, industry and transport networks
  • Not pursue modal shift policies, which are effectively a tax
  • Incentivise the purchase of new heavy vehicles and reduce the average age of the heavy vehicle fleet.
